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时间:2019-09-27    作者:    阅读:

1.Mr Black is a doctor. He works in the ______.
2.A nurse  not only works in the day, but also works during the_______.
3.He is rather busy, so he has _____time to have lunch at home.
4.We have an English test this term. It's very easy, so most students can _______this test.  
5.The whole class went to the zoo yesterday. They were very tired but________.
提示词分类: 显性暗示: 1)同词(同源词) 2)同义词,近义词;  3)反义词; 4)上下义词
              隐性暗示: 1)  同一话题(场景);2) 逻辑推理; 3) 搭配 1.显性暗示:________________
    In New York, on a Friday night, a young artist stood at the gate of a train station. He was playing his _16_. His music was so great that many people put money into his hat. The next day ,the young artist came to the same place, and played the violin as usual.
16. A. piano     B. guitar     C. violin    D. sax
.…they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay____ until the emergency personnel arrived… Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move…(2016全国卷)
52. A. quiet    B. still    C. away   D. calm
Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn’t ______  your memory;it only tightens it.
    A. loosen B. weaken          C. decrease D. reduce
He taught her how to rely on other _____, specifically her hearing.
A. feelings B. organ          C. skills D. senses
   1) When we talked, I discovered(发现) some differences in school life between the US and China. For example, each class lasts fifty minutes in the US. It is a little __44__ than that in China. We usually have forty-five minutes in each class. (真题重现)
44. A. shorter      B. longer      C. earlier      D. later
2)But we run so fast that, afterwards, we had trouble    45   . 
45. A. speaking       B. moving       C. sleeping      D. breathing
1) I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn’t have a lot of ____ to get started.
      A. money    B. time   C. energy   D. knowledge
   2)  My mother often asked me,“What is the most important part of the body?” I thought sound was very important to us as humans,so I said.“My   17  ,Mommy.”
    She said,“No.Many people are deaf(聋的)…(真题重现)
17. A. ears          B. eyes          C. body         D. head
1)  We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the _____ home from work in the evenings.
A. way    B. track    C. path    D. road
  2)  The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had _____an emergency call.(2016全国卷)
    A. returned     B. received         C. made           D. confirmed
    【1】 The dolphin(海豚)swam in her tiny tank. It was early evening and the park was __21_. She was alone again.
     Earlier that day, she had performed her __22__ for the visitors; and though their cheers pleased her, they did not __23___ the anxiety of forced separation she experienced daily, __24__ her family. (2016广州综合测试)
21. A. repaired             B. gone               C. closed             D. built
22. A. tricks                B. stories             C. songs              D. duties
23. A. cause                B. stop                C. ignore            D. tell
24. A. along with            B. out of              C. except for         D. away from
【2】Martin Luther King was an important  1         of black people in American. He believed that black people and white people should have equal rights. In 1963, Dr King led a march in Washington D.C. A lot of  Americans went there to take part in the     2     . They wanted the government to     3    the laws that were unfair to black people. Dr King believed in       4       equal rights for all people through peace and not force. When he was killed in 1968, the United States     5       a great leader.
 1) A. runner       B. singer          C. leader        D. teacher
 2) A. crowd       B. war            C. group         D. march
 3) A. sign         B sell            C. pass          D. change
 4) A. gaining      B. turning         C. finding        D .freeing
 5) A. lost         B. found          C. bought        D. died
【3】Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was __41___along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42       . suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43      he got closer, he found 44     vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45  shooting out from under the 46   vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47     the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.
41. A. walking        B. touring        C. traveling        D. rushing
42. A. passengers     B. colleagues      C. employers       D. customers
43. A. Since         B. Although       C. As              D. If
44. A. each          B. another        C. that             D. his
45. A. flames        B. smoke         C. water             D. steam
46. A. used          B. disabled       C. removed           D. abandoned
47. A. got hold of     B. prepared      C. took charge of       D. controlled
    Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all   41   places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want   42  somewhere else instead. I had the   43  of seeing this first hand on a   44  .
       My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did well this season and so   45   a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some  46  experiences on Saturday as they played against teams   47   trained. Through the first two games, her   48   did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I   49   seeing my daughter playing her best,   50   still defeated.
     It seemed that something clicked with the   51   between Saturday and Sunday. When they   52   for their Sunday game, they were   53   different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had   54   the day before into their   55  . They played aggressively and   56   scored a goal.
    It   57   me that playing against the other team was a great   58   moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle.  59   is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be   60   what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.
41. A. public   B. Traditional      C. official        D. special
42. A. passes   B. works           C. lies          D. ends
43. A. dream   B. idea              C. habit        D. chance
44. A. trip   B. holiday          C. weekend    D. square
45. A. won      B. entered          C. organized    D. watched
46. A. painful    B. strange          C. common      D. practical
47. A. less       B. Poorly           C. newly        D. better
48. A. fans       B. tutors          C. class        D. team
49. A. imagined B. hated         C. avoided      D. missed
50. A. if         B. or         C. but        D. as
51. A. girls       B. parents        C. coaches      D. viewers
52. A. dressed   B. showed up    C. made up      D. planned
53. A. slightly   B. hardly        C. basically     D. completely
54. A. seen        B. known     C. heard       D. read
55. A. styles      B. training     C. game        D. rules
56. A. even      B. still         C. seldom       D. again
57. A. confused       B. struck        C. reminded       D. warned
58. A. touching      B. thinking       C. encouraging    D. learning
59. A. Experience  B. Independence   C. Curiosity      D. Interest
60. A. harmful to    B. mixed with     C. different from    D. applied to

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